International Relations (B.A.) | International Security

Bachelor’s degree program

You are interested in understanding current geopolitical crises and finding ways to overcome them. You believe that we have to deal with peace just as intensively as with conflicts. The big issues and challenges of our world are exciting for you and drive you, especially those relating to peace, prosperity, environmental protection, justice and human rights. You want to get socially involved and are curious about other cultures and ways of thinking. It is important to you to discuss solutions to a major challenge or to find a peaceful solution to a conflict.

The course focuses on understanding the interrelationships between international politics and economics, ecology and ethics, legal regulations and cultural ideas, as well as the art of diplomatic negotiations from the ground up. By studying International Relations with a focus on Global Security, you will learn how to use diplomacy as a driving force for conflict resolution. The program combines international relations with a focus on global security and combines theoretical foundations with their practical application in real projects. As part of a semester abroad, internships enable direct contact with the key players in geopolitical constellations.

Career Opportunities

  • Diplomat
  • Manager in an NGO
  • Employee of an international organization
  • Political representative in an international organization
  • Program coordinator for humanitarian programs
  • Conflict resolution specialist

Head of degree program

Prof. Dr. Anthony Teitler

International Relations | International Security – Everything at a glance

Application deadline

EU: Sept. 1, non-EU: July 15 or later, depending on the visa process of the home country

Start of studies

End of September

Duration of study

6 semesters

Tuition fee

EU: 790 € / month
Non-EU: 1090 € / month

ECTS points


Teaching language

English + other language courses


Company projects, practical semester and semester abroad


Mondays to Fridays (and block seminars)

Study structure: International Relations | International Security

Every module on the Bachelor’s degree course in International Relations at Karlshochschule opens up a new and exciting world for me. When I look at the module overview, I also discover how the contents of my degree program are linked together in a meaningful way and how International Relations is thus revealed to me as a whole.

International Relations | International Security – Structure first year – 60 ECTS

  • 6 ECTS – Global Economy
  • 6 ECTS – Political Philosophy
  • 6 ECTS – Introduction to International Relations
  • 4 ECTS – Civic Society
  • 8 ECTS – Introduction to Science and Empirical Research (1st and 2nd semester)
  • 4 ECTS – German / English as a Foreign Language 1.1
  • 6 ECTS – International Security
  • 6 ECTS – Comparative Politics
  • 6 ECTS – Foreign Policy Analysis
  • 4 ECTS – Strategic Practice
  • 4 ECTS – German / English as a Foreign Language 1.2

International Relations | International Security – second year – 60 ECTS

  • 6 ECTS – Contemporary Terrorism Studies
  • 6 ECTS – Area Studies
  • 6 ECTS – International Organizations
  • 12 ECTS – Community Project (3rd and 4th semester)
  • 4 ECTS – Policy Simulation (3rd and 4th semester)
  • 4 ECTS – Foreign Language 2.1
  • 6 ECTS – Conflict Resolution
  • 6 ECTS – Autonomous Module
  • 6 ECTS – Ethics
  • 4 ECTS – Foreign Language 2.2 or Host Language

International Relations | International Security – third year – 60 ECTS

  • 6 ECTS – Elective
  • 6 ECTS – Regional Aspects of Politics
  • 6 ECTS – International Collaboration
  • 6 ECTS – International Project
  • 6 ECTS – Elective: Culture & Language
  • 6 ECTS – International Community Project
  • 18 ECTS – Internship
  • 12 ECTS – Bachelor Thesis including its defense