The publication series of Karlshochschule International University explores new cultural and interpretative ideas and approaches in the fields of management, organizations and business and brings together different perspectives on business, culture and society. Management and organizational activities are not viewed in isolation, but as context-bound and dependent on the surrounding cultures, societies and economic systems. By assigning, interpreting and developing meanings, they make sense. The construction of knowledge takes place both in performative processes and in the way in which social meaning is constructed through interaction. The publication series is in search of innovative approaches to formulating new research questions and developing adequate methodological research designs.
The following have appeared in the publication series to date:
- Braedel-Kühner, C. and Müller, A.P. (2016): Re-Thinking Diversity – Multiple Approaches in Theory, Media, Communities, and Managerial Practice. Berlin: Springer VS Research.
- Sonnenburg, S. and Wee, D. (2015): Touring Consumption. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag.
- Sonnenburg, S. and Baker, L. (2013): Branded Spaces: Experience Enactments and Entanglements. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag.
- Müller, A.P. and Becker, L. (2013): Narrative and Innovation. New Ideas for Business Administration, Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag.