Karlshochschule Library
What if a library knew no spatial boundaries and thus turned an entire university into a treasure trove of knowledge? The centrally located library forms the heart of the university, but reading and working areas are spread across the entire campus and are open to all students and visitors. This means you are always surrounded by knowledge and have opportunities to retreat anywhere on campus, allowing you to dream and read about foreign cultures and new knowledge landscapes.
The reference library contains around 15,000 media units and a number of current print journals. The library is open to all interested parties. Access for external users is possible during service hours Monday to Friday.
Mandy Rosenberg
Karlshochschule Library
Karlstraße 36 – 38
76133 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 48095 318
Note: Please always refer to the current guide to using the Karlshochschule Library. The opening and service times are subject to change and are regularly communicated via updates on the library website.
The Karlshochschule library is a member:
Der Deutsche Bibliotheksverband e.V.
DFG Nationallizenzen
Literature research
- Library catalog (OPAC)
- Database Information System (DBIS)
- Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
- Interlibrary loan
- Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK)
Campus licenses databases
- Business Source Premier (BSP)
- Political Science Complete (PSC)
- JSTOR Academic Journals
- Statista
Bachelor’s and Master’s theses
Copies of each Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis until 2018, which has been rated accordingly very good are available in the library for viewing. The theses could be requested at the library desk during the lending times. Viewing of the theses takes place exclusively in the quite study area of the library and ends at the end of the lending time (library desk). The theses with submission until 2015 can be researched in the online catalogue. The provision of theses view copies with submission from 2019 is provided password protected as a digital copy in the Infopool of the library of Karlshochschule. The copyright for all originals of the attached pictures, plans or the like is held solely by the author of the respective thesis. Any duplication is forbidden.
Book return box
Please return the books within the circulation times at the library or service desk, or use the return box at front of the library.
Borrowing books
In order to borrow a library book, you will require your Karlshochschule student ID card. Books of which several copies are at hand can be kept for a duration of two weeks. A prolongation of this time is possible as long as no other reservation has been made for the book in question. Certain books (“Präsenzbestand”) can only be lent out overnight and weekend, to be returned the following work day. Books can be returned at the Library Desk during the lending times. Journals and Bachelor Thesis are exempt from loan.
Citavi reference management system
The Karlshochschule has purchased a campus license for the software “Citavi for Windows – Reference Management System and Knowledge Organization”. Employees and students of our university can use this high-performance program for their studies, teaching, and research at their workspaces and at home. Citavi supports students and researchers in all stages of their work with literature management and organization of knowledge. The Campus license allows students and employees of the Karlshochschule to use the full version Citavi free of charge. Citavi permits you to organize your literature, research in technical, subject-specific databases and library catalogues, to replenish literary content, to collect quotations, organize knowledge, draft texts, plan tasks, and automatically create bibliographies in varying citation styles. The latest version is Citavi 6. Support for the Citavi program can be accessed in the “Tutorials” section. Use Citavi campus license now.
The Database Information System (DBIS), as mentioned above, provides you with access to all open scientific databases, as well to such which are solely licensed by Karlshochschule.
The databases are organized by topic and can be sorted by database type. If you wish to have access to the University’s licensed databases, follow the link “Datenbanken” on the library’s homepage and click on “Sammlungen” to the left. Then proceed to “Lizenzierte Datenbanken”, where you will be presented with listings of all databases.
EBSCO Business Source Premier (BSP)
EBSCO Business Source Premier (BSP) comprises full texts concerning all economy fields, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accountancy, finance and business. Additional full text contents consist of market analyses, industry reports, country reports, company profiles, and SWOT analyses. Within the entire University, the database can be openly accessed, access outside of the university via VPN admissions (Virtual Private Network). You can find the Business Source Premier database via the Database Information System (DBIS) or on BSP.
EBSCO Political Science Complete (PSC)
The Political Science Complete (PSC) contains full text from more than 520 journals, as well as indexing and abstracts for more than 2,900 titles (including recognized scholarly journals), including many single-issue publications. The database also includes more than 340 full-text reference works and monographs and more than 36,000 full-text conference documents, including those from the International Political Science Association. The database is freely accessible within the university. For use outside the university, a connection to the university’s network must be established via VPN (Virtual Private Network). Users can access the Business Source Premier database through the Database Information System (DBIS) or directly through the link to the PSC.
Electronic journals
Electronic journals are listed in the Electronic Journal Library (EZB), which offers access to full texts of eJournals. The Electronic Journals Library is a service to facilitate the use of scholarly journals on the internet. It offers a fast, structured and unified interface to access full-text articles online. It comprises thousands of titles from all areas of research, some of them are available online only. The EZB contains journals, which are provided by aggregators and journals which are accessible free of charge to anyone. Furthermore, the participating libraries provide their users access to the journals they subscribe to. The journals are presented in lists sorted by research area. The availability of full-text access is indicated by traffic-light symbols according to the license situation of each member library. Some journals in the EZB are marked as a hybrid journal. That means that this journals can contain some freely available articles (Open Access). In the EZB itself it is NOT possible to search for articles, but only for the journal title, which then links to the respective homepages of the journals. For an article search, the Subject Databases or Article Databases are available, accessible via the Database Information System (DBIS).
Electronic media
The library offers a range of electronic resources (databases, e-Journals). When using licensed databases and electronic media provided by Karlshochschule, the respective license and copyright regulations must be complied with. Please follow the Terms of use and access information for electronic media.
German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB)
ZDB is one of the world’s largest databases in which you can find journals, serial titles, newspapers, databases, yearbooks, etc., everything that was and is published periodically in print or electronic form and is held in German and Austrian libraries. The ZDB also lists the holdings of more than 4,000 German and Austrian libraries for the titles. The ZDB does not list individual articles, only journal titles!
An example for the use of the Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB): Neither in the databases nor via the Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) is there access to the text of an article – What to do now?
Interlibrary loan
Media that is found neither in our library nor in any other library in Karlsruhe can be ordered by other German libraries through interlibrary loan. Books and copies can be requested. The condition for an interlibrary loan is that the requested publication belongs to the providing library. Online interlibrary loans can be accessed through the link on the website itself (Manual Interlibrary Loan Portal). If any problems arise, kindly fill out the interlibrary loan request form, which should be sent via email to library@karlshochschule.de or submitted to the Library desk. The fee for an interlibrary loan amounts to € 1,50. The delivery of books can last between 2 – 4 weeks, while that of the article copy can last from a couple of days to 2 weeks. Should the order arrive at our library, the interested party will be notified via email. The books and articles can be loaned exclusively from the library desk according to the borrowing and returning periods. We take great care of the delivery and return of interlibrary loans. The loan period is usually four weeks minus about three days for the return period. Renewals are only sometimes available on request. TANs are available in the library at lending times or can be requested via e-mail with the subject “TAN request” at library@karlshochschule.de.
Journal articles
To search for journal articles on a specific topic, you can use so-called article or full-text databases. For the field of economics, for example, we recommend our EBSCO BusinessSource Premier database (see there). These and many other article databases can be found via the Database Information System (DBIS) (see Databases). Click on the desired subject area and then sort the databases according to “Database types”. This provides you with all the article databases for a subject area and allows you to search for articles in these databases. The article databases contain details of the journals in which the articles you are looking for can be found and also offer the full texts. If you have received the information in DBIS as to which journal contains the article you are looking for, you can first try to obtain it in full text via the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) (see Electronic Journals). For a targeted search for articles in full text from a specific electronic journal, it is advisable to search for the journal title via the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) and then follow the link to the journal platform. If the journal is not available in full text, you can use the Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB) (see there) to find out which library in the area has the journal as a print edition and obtain the article there.
The library has a number of print journals. Journals are generally not available for loan. A short-term loan in the house during the loan time is possible. For this, kindly leave your student card at one of the desks. The journals must be returned no later than 5pm at the service desk. For access to archived journals previous issues, please ask at the library desk or by e-mail to library@karlshochschule.de. Electronic journals can be searched for through the Electronic Journals Library – EZB.
JSTOR is an interdisciplinary archive of scientific journals. Karlshochschule enjoys access to about 300 journals of the business sector, the humanities and the sociology field of the first year, up to a “Moving Wall” two to five years before the current one. The database can be openly accessed throughout the University, access outside of the university via VPN admissions (Virtual Private Network), access details can be obtained either via the Database Information System (DBIS) or directly via www.jstor.org.
Karlsruhe’s virtual catalog
The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK) allows you to research in library and bookstore catalogues throughout the world. As such, they are able to simultaneously comb through a majority of different scientific libraries in Germany.
Borrowing is only possible with a valid Karlshochschule student ID. Books that are available more than once can be borrowed for two weeks. Extensions are possible if the book is not reserved. Reference collection can only be borrowed by overnight loan or weekend loan. Periodicals are excluded from lending.
Library catalog
The library’s inventory can be looked up via the following link: Karlsruhe Library Portal. How to find library media? (PDF).
Library Classification System
We have a systematic order of books by subject. We use our library classification system to enable thematic access to the open access display. The aim of a systematic arrangement is to gather books on a topic in one place. The library’s presentation system is constantly being developed. The current version of the Library System can be viewed here. The location of the books on the shelf, the “shelfmark” can be researched via the search in the library catalog.
Libary Regulations
The Library Regulations of Karlshochschule International University document the general rules and rules of use, duties of care and replacement obligations, they regulate registration and borrowing, they define admission to use and borrowing, the user groups and their loan periods, the handling of the various stock groups and interlibrary loan. Download here (PDF) and in the Infopool. A printed version is also available in the library.
Library team
Mrs. Mandy Rosenberg: mrosenberg@karlshochschule.org
Loan period
The loan period amounts to 2 weeks, renewals are possible, provided that there are no pending reservations.
Master Modules
The Literature Module for the Master’s Program is arranged separately by semesters and modules. The latest version of the library classification system can be seen here:
- Mastermodules Library classification – Master Management
- Mastermodules Library classification – Master in Social TransFormation
- Common Mastermodules Summer Term 2021
Media offer
Karlshochschule library stock currently contains nearly 15,000 items as well as a range of print journals.
The movies in stock are found in the showcase in the rear part of the quite study area. For borrowing, you take out the empty case of the desired film and bring it to the library desk where the DVD will be handed out. It is possible for movies to be loaned only during the lending times at the library counter. You can borrow the movie for up to 2 weeks, extensions are possible.
National licenses
To improve the provision of electronic information at German universities, research institutions and scientific libraries in a sustainable manner, the “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” (“German Research Council”) has financed their acquisition of national licenses as of 2004. The aim of this initiative is to guarantee scientists, students and scientifically interested individuals free access to databases, digital compendiums, and electronic journals. Again, you can gain access to the subscribed offers of Karlshochschule via the Database Information System (DBIS).
New acquisitions
Prolongation for loaned media can be requested via e-mail library@karlshochschule.de, phone +49 721 48095-318, or asked about at the library desk. Renewals are possible at the earliest 2 days before the loan period expires. Renewals are not possible when the medium is reserved. We grant up to 5 renewals on a loan copy. Overnight and weekend loans will not be extended.
Purchase Suggestion
You can always make suggestions concerning books to be purchased. In order to do so, please contact us either via an e-mail to library@karlshochschule.de or by filling out the following form: Purchase Suggestion. You can hand in the form at the library or send it as e-mail attachment.
Range of Media
The Karlshochschule library offers a number of electronic media (databases, eJourals). When using all databases and e-media subject to licensing provided by Karlshochschule, the respective license and copyright conditions must be observed.
Reference Library
The library’s reference collection includes media that should be available to all users at all times and that cannot be borrowed or can only be borrowed under certain conditions – see “Borrowing”. Reference books can be recognized by the yellow sticker “Präsenzbestand” on the spine. It is possible to borrow items on the premises during lending hours. To do this, register the media at one of the counters and leave your student ID. They must be returned to the service counter by 5 p.m. at the latest. Overnight loans and weekend loans are also possible.
Reservations for borrowed media can be made by e-mail to library@karlshochschule.de or by telephone on +49 721 48095-318 or in person at the library desk during lending hours. As soon as the next copy of the reserved book has been returned, you will be notified by e-mail. The reservation is then valid for a maximum of one week, after which the book will be returned to the shelf.
Reserve shelf for a semester
The semester apparatus contains the relevant documents and media for lectures compiled by the respective lecturers, which should be permanently available to all lecture participants. As these are exclusively reference copies, it is not possible to borrow them. The term books are centrally located in the front area of the library.
Statista is one of the world’s largest statistics portals. The statistics database is the basis for a quick and comprehensive search for figures, data and facts with immediate access to the statistics. Statista bundles statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources conveniently on four platforms: German, English, French and Spanish. The academic citation function makes it possible to automatically display the original source in five internationally standardized citation forms. Statista can be accessed via the Statista can be accessed via the Database Information System (DBIS) or directly via www.statista.com.
A TAN is a transaction number that is valid as a “one-time password” for exactly one online remote rental order. The TAN must be entered in the order form to complete an online interlibrary loan order and verifies the order in the interlibrary loan portal. After sending the order, the TAN is validated. TANs can be requested from the library by e-mail at library@karlshochschule.de with the subject “TAN request”.
- CITAVI 6: Citavi 6 Short Introduction – Getting started
- CITAVI 6: How to start with Citavi – Citavi in a nutshell
- CITAVI 6: Support
- CITAVI 6: Citavi 6 Manual
- CITAVI 6: Tutorial Videos: Learn Citavi in 20 Minutes
- EBSCO Introduction to EBSCOhost – Tutorial
- EBSCO Advanced Search – Guided Style
- EBSCO Using the EBSCOhost Result List – Tutorial
- EBSCO Business Source Basic Searching on EBSCOhost – Tutorial
- EBSCO Business Source Advanced Searching on EBSCOhost – Tutorial
- JSTOR: Quick Start Guide
- JSTOR: Quick Tips Basic and Advanced Searching on JSTOR
- JSTOR: Video Tutorial Advanced Searching
- JSTOR: Using JSTOR to Start Your Research
- JSTOR: How to register & get free access to content
- JSTOR: JSTOR_How to Use Your Free Reads with a Personal Account
- JSTOR: What is JSTOR Text Analyzer?
- Statista: Explainer
- Statista: Successful Working with Statista
- Statista: Content Types Overview
- Statista: Webinar Training Hub
VPN access
Should you wish to use the electronic offers of the University (e.g. e-journals, various databases, SPSS) at home, you can connect with Karlshochschule via VPN (Virtual Private Network) and make your PC part of the campus network.
Get step by step tutorial for setting up the OpenVPN on Windows and Mac Computers via Infopool IT.