Business Psychology (B.A.) | International Human Resource Management

Bachelor’s degree program in accreditation

You are convinced that people are the focus of a company – and that it is the job of human resources managers to understand people and provide them with the best working conditions. You find it exciting how collaborative work in companies and organizations is changing in an increasingly international world – and how HR managers of tomorrow can react to these differences. To do this, you would like to acquire practical skills in the areas of management and psychology (without focusing on psychological therapy).

To do this, you would like to acquire practical skills in the areas of management and psychology (without focusing on psychological therapy). It follows an interpretative approach that combines modules from the field of business administration with psychological modules. Interpretative and qualitative methods play a major role. During a semester abroad, you can deepen your skills at one of our partner universities.

  • Business psychologist
  • HR Consultant
  • HR Specialist
  • Business coach

Head of degree program


Business Psychology (B.A.) | International Human Resource Management – Everything at a glance

Application deadline

EU: Sept. 1, non-EU: July 15 or later, depending on the visa process of the home country

Start of studies

End of September

Duration of study

6 semesters

Tuition fee

EU: 790 € / month
Non-EU: 1090 € / month

ECTS points


Teaching language

English + other language courses


Company projects, practical semester and semester abroad


Mondays to Fridays (and block seminars)

Program structure: Business Psychology (B.A.) | International Human Resource Management

Business Psychology (B.A.) | International Human Resource Management – Structure first year – 60 ECTS

  • 6 ECTS – Introduction to Psychology
  • 6 ECTS – General Psychology
  • 6 ECTS – Introduction to Management
  • 4 ECTS – Responsible Practices
  • 4 ECTS – English / German as a Foreign Language 1
  • 8 ECTS – Introduction to Science and Empirical Research (1st and 2nd semester)
  • 6 ECTS – Work and Organizational Psychology
  • 6 ECTS – Social Psychology
  • 6 ECTS – Organizational Cultures
  • 4 ECTS – Community Project
  • 4 ECTS – English / German as a Foreign Language 2

Business Psychology (B.A.) | International Human Resource Management – second year – 60 ECTS

  • 6 ECTS – Personnel Psychology
  • 6 ECTS – Area Studies
  • 6 ECTS – Resources: Financial Resources, Human Resources, Organization
  • 6 ECTS – Introductory Consulting Project
  • 4 ECTS – Foreign Language 2.1
  • 4 ECTS – Management Simulation (3rd and 4th semester)
  • 6 ECTS – Psychology of Work, Health and Well-Being
  • 6 ECTS – Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics
  • 6 ECTS – International Human Resources Management
  • 6 ECTS – Applied Psychological Research Project
  • 4 ECTS – Foreign Language 2.2 or Host Language

Business Psychology (B.A.) | International Human Resource Management – third year – 60 ECTS

  • 6 ECTS – Current Issues in Psychology and HR
  • 6 ECTS – Psychology Elective
  • 6 ECTS – Management Elective
  • 6 ECTS – Advanced Statistics
  • 6 ECTS – Elective: Culture & Language Foreign Lg. 2.3 / Host Language
  • 18 ECTS – Internship
  • 12 ECTS – Bachelor Thesis incl. its Defense