Teaching at Karlshochschule since
- Summer semester 2019 (part time)
- April 2024 Appointment as honorary professor
Current courses
- Culture and markets
Focus on teaching
- Civil Society
- Active Global Citizenship
- Service Learning
- Intercultural Competence
- Intercultural Communication
- Didactics of Service Learning
Research interests and fields
- Civil society
- Service Learning
- Experience Based Learning
Academic training and further education
- Professional Certificate, Intercultural Communication Institute, Portland
- Studied Cultural Studies at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and Angelo State University, Texas.
Practical experience
- Head of Training and Projects InterCultur gGmbH
- Team Leader Intercultural Learning, AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V.
- Project management, Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Kunstvereine
- Project management EXPO 2000, Diakonisches Werk
- Betzavta trainer, moderator of ToP©, administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)
Expert activity
- Member of the AFS Intercultural Workgroup, AFS International Programs
Publications and working papers
- Baumann, S. & Gisevius, A. (2004). Active in the Kunstverein – Strategies for working with volunteers, Wolfenbütteler Akademie-Texte. Wolfenbüttel.
- Thiagarajan S., Gisevius, A., van den Bergh, S., Kehrbaum. T. (2019). Interactive training methods Volume 2: Thiagis activities for vocational, intercultural and political learning in groups, Wochenschau Verlag
Articles and anthology entries
- Thiagarajan, S., van den Bergh, S. (2013). Interactive training methods: Thiagis activities for professional, intercultural and political learning in groups, Wochenschau Verlag
- Gisevius, A. (2011) Intercultural learning in long-term student exchanges – the perspective of host families. In C. Vatter & H.-J. Lüsebrink & J. Mohr, Intercultural learning in interregional student exchanges between Germany and France. St. Ingbert
- Gisevius, A. (2009). Working together in multi-religious groups. Notes for trainers and supervisors. In Toolbox Religion. Interreligious competence for international youth encounters and youth travel. Bonn: IJAB.
- Gisevius, A. (2008). A school year abroad. The Educational Results Study of the AFS Intercultural Encounters. In S. Ehrenreich & G. Woodman & M. Perrefort (Eds.), Stays abroad at school and university. Stocktaking from research and practice. Münster.
- Gisevius, A. & Tsudome, S. & Suwalski, P. (2006/2007). Preparation of host families for long-term student exchanges. In Forum Jugendarbeit International 2006/2007. Bonn: IJAB.
- Gisevius, A. & Weber. R. (2009). The Transatlantic Orientation Exchance Project. In Intercultural Education, Volume 20, Supplement 2: Best practice for intercultural learning in international educational exchange. London: Routledge.
Training materials
- Schmidt-Peter, F. & Gisevius, A. (2013/2015). Caleidoscopio Cards. Picture card set for training and coaching. Kessels & Smit Publishers, Utrecht
- Schmidt-Peter, F. & Gisevius, A. (2015). Caleidoscopio Cards 2nd set of picture cards for training and coaching. Kessels & Smit Publishers, Utrecht