Spin the web.
I live online – and transform the world in digital networks
Digitalization is not just a technological development – in digital media, people communicate faster and more networked, new types of social structures are formed and a completely new culture is established. This specialization is initially concerned with understanding this digital culture: How do technological structures, platform economic logics and communicative practices interact? What strategies do the individual actors pursue, what are the dynamics of public discourse, how do phenomena such as fandom and hate speech come about? How are the relationships between private and public reconfiguring themselves?
Those who understand digital cultures can also move strategically within them, for example as the community manager of a company or a political organization. We discuss how to spread messages in networks, what strategic relevance likes and shares can have, how to counter hate speech and shitstorms – but also how to analyze networks qualitatively and quantitatively using various methods.
In the final step, we will experience the possibilities of transformation together using concrete examples in a digital laboratory – on the one hand the transformation of existing digital communities, but also the transformation of our society through digital movements.
Contact Specialization Digital Media
Prof. Dr. Dr. Björn Bohnenkamp
Specialization Digital Media – Everything at a glance
Application deadline
EU: Sept. 1, non-EU: July 15 or later, depending on the visa process of the home country
Start of studies
Duration of study
4 semester
Tuition fee
EU: 790 € / month
Non-EU: 890 € / month
ECTS points
Teaching language
Thursday evening, Friday to Saturday lunchtime (and block seminars)
Digital Media: Master modules
The specialization “Digital Media” can be chosen by students of both Master’s programs at Karlshochschule:
It not only prepares you to shape the world you dream of, but also complements the core modules from your chosen Master’s program in an inter- and transdisciplinary framework. Bringing together and integrating different perspectives is one of the strengths of the degree programs at Karlshochschule.
Are you interested in “Digital Media”? Then choose one of the other six holistic specializations to combine with your core modules and this specialization. You design your studies yourself!
- Brands & Stories
- Human Resources & Diversity
- Sustainability & Urban Development
- Globalization, Governance & Trade
Digital Media specialization – first year structure – 60 ECTS
- 5 ECTS – New Media Culture
- 5 ECTS – Specialization II
- 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
- 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
- 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
- 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities
- 5 ECTS – Social Networks
- 5 ECTS – Specialization II
- 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
- 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
- 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
- 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities
Specialization Digital Media – second year – 60 ECTS
- 5 ECTS – Social Media Lab
- 5 ECTS – Specialization II
- 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
- 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
- 5 ECTS – Core Modules of Master in Management / PPE – Master in Social TransFormation
- 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities
- 3 ECTS – Research Colloquium
- 22 ECTS – Master Thesis incl. its Defense
- 5 ECTS – Personal Skills / Leadership Capabilities