I imagine this investment will pay off for a lifetime.
As a private university sponsored by a non-profit foundation, we operate as an entrepreneur – risk included.
External funding is a central pillar of our financial sustainability in teaching and research. With every donation, we can not only improve the quality of our institution, but above all enable those who cannot normally afford tuition fees to study at Karlshochschule. You also help us with socially relevant research with a high degree of topicality.
Funding opportunities at Karlshochschule

Contact person
Prof. Dr. Robert Lepenies – rlepenies@karlshochschule.org
More information
Event Sponsoring
As an educational institution, we are naturally very interested in opening our building for events such as scientific or student conferences, lecture series or workshops. Such events generate important social impulses and help to shape the scientific discourse accordingly.
Karlshochschule would like to introduce a culture-oriented approach, applied to management research and business life, into the public debate. As events are costly, sponsoring these events would be a valuable aid to their realization. Let us consider together what this could look like in concrete terms.
Network Sponsoring
An international university also thrives on intensive international exchange. Our professors are therefore dependent on travel or guest stays, whether to international conferences or to invite colleagues from all over the world to Germany for a guest lecture or research stay.
As a network sponsor, you can support our faculties and thus give the respective chair or research institute more room for maneuver. As a sponsor, you will receive exclusive access to the research results of the respective area and will of course be mentioned as a supporting force, e.g. in the annual report on our homepage and publications or other contexts of your choice.
Research Sponsoring
Sound research requires time and resources. To enable our professors to concentrate 100% on teaching, we would like to offer them a research semester in the form of a 6-month sabbatical.
As a sponsor, you could make this research possible and at the same time gain access to the corresponding results. In this way, they keep the professor’s back free and guarantee a replacement in teaching. In this way, you ensure the important transfer of knowledge for our students and the public. We are happy to involve you in the formulation of a research question and empirical research. At the end of the research period, you will of course receive exclusive and comprehensive access to the researchers and the results.
Research Exchange Sponsoring
Nothing is more valuable for a university than an international exchange of knowledge, findings and their carriers. With the “Research Exchange” funding program, you can enable foreign academics to spend a teaching and research semester at Karlshochschule. This also promotes international networking and the university’s worldwide reputation.
This gives them direct access to the respective research approaches and results. As a “Research Exchange” sponsor, you will of course be mentioned and acknowledged by name. Meetings with your sponsored exchange partners are then also possible.
Endowed Professorships
The most sustainable form of support for our professorship is, of course, the promotion of a professorship over a long-term period. In this way, you provide our research institution with the material basis for the long-term development of first-class research and teaching.
This can also promote a focus on important current topics. In 2013, for example, L-Bank endowed a professorship for “Finance, Ethics and Sustainability”. Such funding gives the university a new scope of action from which not only the students benefit. As a sponsor, you will of course have regular access to this professorship and its projects and results.
KarlsFriend & KarlsPartner
If you would like to express your enthusiasm for our university, the “KarlsFriend” support program would be a good opportunity to make an unrestricted donation to the university. As a non-profit organization, we can of course also claim your donation for tax purposes.
If you are interested in making a large-scale direct contribution to the Karlshochschule Foundation itself, the “KarlsPartner” funding program would be particularly suitable for you.