Prof. Dr. Nadja Meisterhans

At the university since

  • September 2021

Focus on teaching

  • Director of Studies Citizenship and Civic Engagement B.A. and Globalization, Governance and Law B.A.
  • International Relations B.A.
  • Politics, Philosophy and Economics B.A.
  • Citizenship and Civic Engagement B.A.
  • Globalization, Governance and Law B.A.
  • Social Transformation Master

Main research areas (OCRID)

  • Political theory/political philosophy (especially critical theory and psychoanalytical and postcolonial feminist critique of power and domination)
  • Critical global governance (especially post-development and global health) Global law (especially human rights)
  • Psychoanalytical social psychology
  • Since 2019 – Nov. 2023: Board member of the Gesellschaft für psychoanalytische Sozialpsychologie (GfpS)
  • Since 2019: Head of the working group “Psychoanalysis and Critique. Transdisciplinary Perspectives” at the Gesellschaft für Psychoanalytische Sozialpsychologie (GfpS) (together with Dr. Daniel Zettler) 

Interested students and researchers are cordially invited to attend and participate in the meetings (hybrid format) of the “Psychoanalysis and Critique” working group! If you are interested, please send an e-mail to: nmeisterhans(at)

Current research project

Dialectics of the pandemic (originally approved by the FWF – Austrian Science Fund)

The project was transferred to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) as part of the “Money follows Researcher” program:
DFG – GEPRIS – Dialectics of the Pandemic: Between Authoritarianism and Utopia?

For a detailed project description see link

Professional background / practical experience

Since Sept. 2021
Professor of Political Philosophy with a focus on Global Governance, Civil Society and Social Movements at Karlshochschule International University

SS 2021
Visiting Professor at the Institute for International Development at the University of Vienna

WS 2020
Lecturer at the University of Vienna at the Faculty of Psychology / Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences of the BFI/Vienna in the field of Political Economy

Since 12.2019 – 12.2023
Board member of the Society for Psychoanalytical Social Psychology (GfpS)

2015 – 2021
Lecturer at the Karlshochschule/International University in the study programs “Politics, Philosophy and Economics”, “International Relations”, and “Civic Engagement” in Karlsruhe

02.2017 – 31.1.2020
PostDoc/Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Social and Societal Policy of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the Johannes Kepler University Linz (75 %)

03.2015 – 31.1.2017
Lecturer at the Institute for Social and Sociopolitical Policy at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at the Johannes Kepler University Linz

08.2016 – 12.2016
Research Assistant/PostDoc at the Institute of Political Science, Department of Political Theory, Justus Liebig University Giessen

09.2013 – 03.2016
Scientific advisor to the managing director of the human rights organization Medico International, Frankfurt/Main

04.2013 – 08.2013
Lecturer at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (Digital Media department)

04.2013 – 08.2013
Lecturer at the Institute of Political Science, Department of Political Theory and History of Ideas at TU Darmstadt

10.2012 – 08.2013
Lecturerat the Institute for Political Science at the Justus Liebig University Giessen

11. 2011 – 10.2012
Deputy Junior Professor for Democracy Research at the Institute of Political Science at Justus Liebig University Giessen

10.2011 – 03.2012
Lecturer at the Institute of Political Science, Department of Political Theory and History of Ideas at TU Darmstadt

11.2010 – 10.2011
Research assistant for special teaching tasks at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Flensburg

05.2010 – 10.2013
Freelance political consultant at “Deichblick” – Agency for Film and Television, Bremen

09.2006 – 05.2010
Research assistant

Further information

International research collaborations and memberships in international research networks:

  • University of Vienna (Austria): Cooperation with the Institute for Political Science and the Institute for International Development as part of the DFG project “The Dialectics of the Pandemic”
  • University of Art and Design Linz (Austria): Cooperation with the Department of Cultural Studies as part of the DFG project “The Dialectics of the Pandemic”
  • Psychoanalytical University (IPU), Berlin: Cooperation in the field of cultural theory and psychoanalysis
  • Political Psychology Working Group at Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Working Group Political Psychology at the Sigmund Freud Institute, Frankfurt/Main

Civil society engagement

  • Medico International (international human rights and aid organization)
  • Peoples Health Movement (shadow reports in the WHO)
  • Political consulting at the Institute for Solidary Modernity as well as diverse civil society involvement in the areas of gender, democracy and human rights.

Expert activity

  • BioMed Central, STM (Science, Technology and Medicine), peer-reviewed open access journal, Springer Press.
  • Middle East – Topics & Arguments, open access, peer reviewed online journal
  • Momentum Quarterly, Zeitschrift für Sozialen Fortschritt/Journal for Societas Progress

Publications (selection)


  • Menschenrechte als weltgesellschaftliche Herrschaftspraxis. Zur Demokratisierung und Konstitutionalisierung des Völkerrechts, published in a series on political sociology edited by Hauke Brunkhorst, Regina Kreide and Andrew Arato, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010


  • Feministische Kritiken und Menschenrechte. Reflexionen auf ein produktives Spannungsverhältnis, Volume 27, Series: Politics and Gender, Opladen: Budrich Verlag, 2016, together with Imke Leicht, Christine Löw, Katharina Volk
  • Materialität neu denken. Materialität anders denken – Feministische Interventionen, Volume 28, Series: Politics and Gender, Opladen: Budrich Verlag, 2017, together with Imke Leicht, Christine Löw, Katharina Volk
  • Book series “Politik und Geschlecht” Barbara Budrich Verlag (together with Imke Leicht, Christine Löw, Katharina Volk, Katharina) (October 2012 – September 2014)
  • Introductory volumes „Politik und Geschlecht kompakt, Barbara Budrich Verlag (together with Imke Leicht, Christine Löw, Katharina Volk, Katharina) (October 2012 – September 2014)

Articles in specialist journals/journal articles (peer reviewed)

  • Das große Versagen in der Pandemie: Macht- und herrschaftskritische Anmerkungen zu den intersektionalen Dimensionen einer politisch gemachten Katastrophe. In: Momentum Quaterly Vol. 11, No. 2 (2022), p. 77 – 142
  • Authoritarian Populism and the Dialectics of Desire. Perspectives of Ideology-Critique, in: Berlin Journal of Critical Theory, Volume 5, Number 1 (January, 2021), pp. 99 – 131 %20of%
  • Wider dem Tod der feministischen Utopie – Zum emanzipatorischen Potential radikalfeministischer und postkolonialer Ansätze in Zeiten des autoritären Backlashs, in: Femina Politica – Journal for Feminist Political Science, 2019, pp. 72 – 84
  • WHO in Crisis. Lessons learned from the Ebola outbreak and beyond, in: The Chinese Journal of Global Governance (peer-reviewed, open-access, interdisciplinary academic journal), No. 2, 2016, pp.1 – 29
  • Die neoliberale Mär vom wohltätigen Unternehmertum: Der Philanthrokapitalimus als Herrendiskurs, in: Zeitschrift “Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik, “Sozialer Wandel und Subjektivität”, edited by Markus Brunner and Nora Ruck, Pabst Science Publisher, Jg. 38, Issue 2 – 3, 2015, p. 41 – 63
  • Konstitutionalisierungsperspektiven des fragmentierten Weltrechts, (with Tanja Hitzel-Cassagnes) in: Hauke Brunkhorst (ed.), Demokratie in der Weltgesellschaft (Soziale Welt Sonderband Nr. 18), Baden-Baden, 2009, pp.159 – 184, has also been published in a special volume on globalization in the Montenegrin journal PLIMA, supported by the S. Fischer Foundation and edited by Hauke Brunkhorst
  • Health for all: Implementing the Right to Health in the Post-2015 Agenda – Critical Interventions from the Global South (in English and Spanish) in: Social Medicine/Medicina Social (bilingual, academic, open-access journal, published by the Department of Family and Social Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Latin American Social Medicine Association – ALAMES), 2015, pp. 109 – 125. Published as part of Go4health – FP 7 – The European Union’s Seventh Program for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement

Articles in specialist journals/journal articles (reviewed by the editors)

  • Politiken des Todes? Nekropolitischer Populismus in Zeiten multipler Krisen. In: Zeitschrift Triëdere 27, 2024, S.93-97
  • Mit der Psychoanalyse und dem Surrealismus von der Paranoia zur Utopie? Perspektiven der Ideologiekritik in Zeiten der Transformation (zusammen mit Stefanie Graul), in: Free Association. Journal of Psychoanalytic Social Psychology,, 2023, 26/1, S. 45 – 61
  • Menschenrechte und Demokratie – eine kosmopolitische Perspektive (together with Franziska Martinsen and Rainer Schmalz-Bruns), in: Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte No. 2, 2008, pp. 26 – 44
  • Feministische Netzwerkbildung – eine (selbst-)kritische Bestandsaufnahme, in: Femina Politica, Issue 1/2014 (together with Leicht, Imke/Löw, Christine/Volk, Katharina Volk), p. 161 – 162
  • An alternative model of governance? In: Journal for Development and Cooperation (DC), 2014/07, Frankfurter Societäts-Medien, pp. 296 – 298
  • Der Amoklauf als entfremdeter und androzentrischer Anerkennungswusch, in: Normalungetüme: School Shootings aus psychoanalytisch-sozialpsychologischer Perspektive, in: Brunner, Markus/ Lohl, Jan (ed.) PsychoSozial Verlag, Gießen, 2013, p. 35 – 58
  • Die Naturzustandskonstruktion als Erzählung? Zum Versuch einer antimetaphysischen Anwendung, in: Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte/Journal for Human Rights, Wochenschauverlag, Vol.7, No.1, 7, 2013, pp. 152 – 163
  • Normativität und Narration. Wie Unrechtsgeschichten den Menschenrechtsdiskurs vorantreiben, in: Kritische Justiz, Heft. 1, 2010, S. 22 – 28.
  • Frieden durch Kants Weltbürgerrecht? In: Berliner Debatte Initial 15: 4 2004, p. 103 – 112

Articles in edited volumes (peer reviewed)

Articles in edited volumes (reviewed by the editors)

  • Subjektivierung, Sublimierung und Transformation. Philosophisch-psychoanalytische Perspektiven des Utopischen im Dystopischen, in: Buchhammer, Brigitte (Hrsg.): Gender, Queer, Feminismus: Umbrüche und Herausforderungen, Lit Verlag, 2024, S. 45 – 61
  • The Dialectics of Desire. Feminist-psychoanalytical Perspectives on Law,in: Buchhammer, Brigitte/Kallhoff, Angela: Human Rights. Feminist and Genderphilosophical Perspectives. Series of the Society for Women in Philosophy, 2021, pp. 32 – 65.
  • Menschenrechte ohne den Staat? Zur Notwendigkeit postnationaler Grundrechte, in: Deitelhoff, Nicole/Steffek, Jens (eds.): Was bleibt vom Staat? Demokratie, Verfassung und Recht im globalen Zeitalter, Frankfurt/Main, 2010, pp. 281 – 308.
  • Neue Ordnungsmuster in Recht und Politik der globalen Sicherheit, in: Ordnungsmuster der globalen Sicherheit (with Andreas Fischer-Lescano), in: Andreas Fischer-Lescano/ Peter Mayer (eds.), Recht und Politik globaler Sicherheit: Bestandsaufnahme und Erklärungsansätze, Berlin/Campus 2013, p. 363 – 383


Essays at the interface between politics and science (Policy Papers)


  • Die Präsenz von Frauen erhöhen und feministische Forschung vorantreiben. Der Arbeitskreis “Politik und Geschlecht” in der Deutschen Vereinigung für politische Wissenschaft, in: WissenschaftInnen-Rundbrief FU Berlin, No. 1/2013, p. 17 – 18 (together with Imke Leicht, Christine Löw, Katarina Volk

Interviews (written)

  • Human Rights as an Emerging Process, Interview with Charles Beitz, in: Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, vol. 4, no.2, 2010, pp.148 – 154 (together with Regina Kreide and Petra Gümplowa)

Scientific opinions

  • Perspektiven und Herausforderungen einer Verzahnung von Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft um das Thema Global Health in Deutschland zu stärken, expert interview-based report for Medico International, completed February 2016

Research reports

  • “Trans psychoanalytics”? Neue Perspektiven einer psychoanalytisch inspirierten Macht- und Herrschaftskritik? A Commentary on a Research Debate and a Review of Transgender Studies Quarterly, in: Transgender Quaterly, Focus Issue: Transpsychoanalytics, in: RISS. Journal for Psychoanalysis, 2019, No. 91


  • Zu Jens Wissel/Stefanie Wöhl (Hrsg.): Staatstheorie vor neuen Herausforderungen unter dem Titel “Die Rückkehr einer bereits Todgesagten. Zur Renaissance der materialistischen Staatstheorie, in: Neue Politische Literatur, 2010, No. 2, pp. 356 – 357
  • Zu Peter Niesen: Kants Theorie der Redefreiheit, Baden-Baden, in: Kantstudien, 2010, pp. 25 – 30
  • Zu Herfried Münkler, Imperien. Die Logik der Weltherrschaft. Vom alten Rom bis zu den Vereinigten Staaten, Berlin 2005, in: Politische Vierteljahreszeitschrift 4/2006, p. 738 – 740 (together with Oliver Eberl)

Public lectures and conference papers/extracts (*International conferences +invited lectures)

  • +Nie wieder ist jetzt! Keynote with reference to the research project on the authoritarian crisis of democracy on the occasion of the SPÖ commemoration of the beginning of Austrofascism: 90 years “February 12, 1934”, Linz, 12.2.2024
  • +Soziale Bewegungen und Klimapolitik. Kneynote and panel discussion with reference to the research project on the authoritarian crisis of democracy, Südwind Austria, Linz 14.02.2024
  • +Autoritäre Kippunkte? Zur Kriminalisierung der Klimaproteste in Österreich und Deutschland. Development Policy University Weeks, Johannes Kepler University, 20.11.2023
  • *Die autoritär-populistische Krise der Demokratie und Perspektiven der Überwindung? Vom Verschwörungsglauben zur Utopie? Three-country conference on political science, Johannes Kepler University, 13.9.2023
  • *From Paranoia to Utopia? Psychoanalytical-philosophical reflections on performative-surrealist crisis-solving, 4th Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science (LICPOS 2023), University of Lisbon (Ciências ULisboa), 12-7-15.7.2023.
