Master in Management (M.A.)

In management theory, the idea still prevails that people can be “operated” like machines. What nonsense! You need to understand what makes people tick, how they influence and are influenced by their environment, and how society as a whole is developing in order to be successful in what you do. As an aspiring young person at the Karls, you should be trained for management and leadership functions in companies. But you should also take on the responsibility that comes with this in society. With this qualification, you will understand, accompany and actively shape social and cultural change, no matter what role you want to take on in your professional life.

This is what we offer you in Master Management. We do not simply feed you with factual knowledge or a “universal truth”. Of course you will gain insights into relevant fields, theories and practices. But the focus is really on the interaction of everyone involved in the program. We value and discuss individual experiences and opinions and continue to work on them together. You will take second and third looks at established paths and create new ones based on an embodied sense of responsibility, empathy, sustainability and expertise.

Head of degree program

Prof. Dr. Wendelin Küpers

Everything at a glance

Application deadline

EU: Sept. 1, non-EU: July 15 or later, depending on the visa process of the home country

Start of studies


Duration of study

4 semester

Tuition fee

EU: 790 € / month
Non-EU: 890 € / month

ECTS points


Teaching language



Thursday evening, Friday to Saturday lunchtime (and block seminars)

The structure

Semester 1: ‘Structure’

The first semester has a strong theoretical focus with the first interspersed links to practice. We are building a common basic understanding of management. A wide range of concepts will be presented and how economics, social sciences and cultural studies are interrelated and can cross-fertilize each other.

Semester 2: ‘Performance’

The second semester is the beginning of a shift from a theoretical to a practical focus. This is where your role as Alice, crawling down the rabbit hole, really begins. You look beyond the stage, backstage. You reflect on what is being played, how it is being played, why it is being played that way and what your role is in all of this.

Semester 3: ‘Transformation’

In the third semester, you really focus on practice and how you deal with it. Questions of ethical behavior, aesthetic expression, ambiguity and indecision, as well as those of constant, active change are central here. The “art of leadership” becomes the main focus.

Semester 4: ‘Research’

The fourth semester is all about your Master’s thesis, which combines theory and practice. You reflect on what you have learned and come to love and bring your experience(s) together in this final work. It’s as much about inspiring others as it is about being inspired yourself.

Imagine all the modules, horizontally and vertically, as an orchestra. They harmonize with each other, are in tune with each other, and only together can they develop their full potential. You learn to recognize connections between the individual instruments, between individual notes, and practice arranging them yourself.

Modules: Master in Management

Really! Why should you have to choose between generalist and specialist? In the Master’s in Management, you become both at the same time. The General Management and Personal Skills modules are the same for all students. You can also choose two of our specializations individually:

Master in Management – Structure first year – 60 ECTS

  • 5 ECTS – Specialization I
  • 5 ECTS – Specialization II
  • 5 ECTS – Key Concepts for the Study of Management as Culture: Cultural Turns
  • 5 ECTS – Controlling: Leading for Results
  • 5 ECTS – Business Analysis
  • 5 ECTS – Rhetorics and Stylistics
  • 5 ECTS – Specialization I
  • 5 ECTS – Specialization II
  • 5 ECTS – Culture, Markets & Consumption
  • 5 ECTS – Governance: Norms, Rules & Rituals
  • 5 ECTS – Strategic Practice
  • 5 ECTS – Power & Conflict

Master in Management – second year – 60 ECTS

  • 5 ECTS – Specialization I
  • 5 ECTS – Specialization II
  • 5 ECTS – Innovation Project
  • 5 ECTS – Legitimacy: Ethics & Aesthetics
  • 5 ECTS – Business Transformation
  • 5 ECTS – Creativity, Improvisation & Play
  • 3 ECTS – Research Colloquium
  • 22 ECTS – Master Thesis incl. its Defense
  • 5 ECTS – Personal Renewal

Study and examination regulations (SPO) of Karlshochschule

  • Study and examination regulations: PreMaster & Master in Management – PDF