I can choose and combine.
The core modules of the Master’s degree programs PPE – Master in Social Transformation and Master in Management are the basic framework of my studies. They are supplemented by two elective modules, which I can choose according to my specific interests.
These specializations not only give me the opportunity to qualify in a particular area and increase my chances of finding a job in that field. At the same time, they help me to learn with and from my fellow students who have a different background and orientation. When choosing my specialization, I ask myself questions like: “What do I want to know more about? What interests me or what feels right? What do I want to be good at?”
Our Master’s specializations at a glance

Brands & Stories
If you want to get ideas out into the world, promote products and services, popularize people and their visions, you have to think in terms of brands and stories. Brands can be many things, a technological innovation, an unpackaged store, an art museum, a mayoral candidate or an environmental movement. In this specialization, you will learn to understand brands, tell stories about them, captivate people and also innovate when new challenges arise.
- More about the Master Specialization Brands & Stories

Human Resources & Diversity
Diversity is a matter of existence for society and organizations because it is the main source of their strengths and resources. Here you will learn to recognize identities as the origin of diversity (e.g. gender, age, cultural background), to analyse the opportunities for diversity in social and organizational cultures, to challenge power and privilege and to moderate processes in order to develop diversity potential and bring organizations closer to people and make societies more cohesive.
- Mehr zur Master Human Resources & Diversity

Digital Media
Digitalization is not just a technological development – people communicate faster and more networked in digital media. New social structures and a completely new culture are emerging. You will learn to understand this digital culture and its phenomena. Based on this understanding, we discuss how we maintain digital communities, use their dynamics or critically accompany them. Finally, we develop practical ways of transforming digital communities – and how they can transform the world.
- More about the Master’s specialization in Digital Media

Sustainability & Urban Development
Let’s create a sustainable future! An integral understanding and holistic practice of sustainability goes far beyond “green” lifestyles or short-lived hypes. Rather, it combines ecology, geographies, cities, technologies and politics, i.e. also social and cultural values. You will critically examine specific topics and applications of sustainability (e.g. degrowth, transition towns) in order to transform social, economic and entrepreneurial practices with empathy and responsibility.
- More about the Master’s specialization in Sustainability & Urban Development

Globalization, Governance & Trade
Globalization has contributed to a higher standard of living and a decline in poverty over the last half century. It also led to the exploitation of people and nature. Can globalization be “corrected” so that it is fair to everyone? You will learn about the opportunities and risks of globalization and how global trade can create social and economic inequalities. You will research sustainable alternatives to current trade practices and explore the transformation potential of global governance.
- More about the Master’s specialization Globalization, Governance & Trade
Master’s specializations – everything at a glance
Application deadline
EU: Oct. 1, non-EU: July 15 or later, depending on the visa process of the home country
Start of studies
Duration of study
4 semester
Tuition fee
790 € / month
ECTS points
Teaching language
Thursday evening, Friday to Saturday lunchtime (and block seminars)