Unileben - Life at Karls

Student financing

Investing in the best there is: the future. We are convinced that tuition fees are not a cost, but rather an investment in your future. We are happy to help you find a good way to finance your studies. The monthly tuition fees are currently € 790 for EU students … Details

Student initiatives

You can join one of the many initiatives or set up one yourself! Karlshochschule is above all a place for trying things out together. Here you can take things into your own hands alongside your studies. You can join one of the many student initiatives or set up one yourself. … Details

Student Representation (StuV)

I imagine my opinion will be amplified here. The student representatives at Karlshochschule have a wide range of tasks. As a team, we try to represent the students of Karlshochschule in all matters, to help them and to communicate and mediate between them and the university. The StuV is democratically … Details