“Utopiefähigkeit – Dr. Alexander Neupert-Doppler holds workshop for the Federal Committee for Political Education on 28.02.2024”.

22.02.2024 Dr. Alexander Neupert-Doppler has been working at Karlshochschule International University since February 2024 in the DFG project ‘Dialectics of the Pandemic – Between Authoritarianism and Utopia?”“Utopia is in demand, also in political education”. As a philosopher and political scientist, Neupert-Doppler has long been concerned with the subject of utopias. … Details

Ankündigung: Ab dem Wintersemester 2025/2026 bietet die Karlshochschule International University ein Probestudium anstelle eines Studienkollegs an. 

Wenn ihr internationale Studienbewerber*innen seid, beginnt ihr mit dem Studium und könnt in einer Vorbereitungsphase in den ersten Modulen zeigen, dass ihr alles mitbringt, was man zum Studieren braucht. Je nach Studienwunsch unterscheiden sich hier entscheidende Module im Probestudium. Wenn ihr diese Module besteht, könnt ihr direkt ins Studium einsteigen! … Details

Climate Talks 23.05 – 18.07.2024

Klimapakt Karlsruhe organizes lecture series on climate protection topics When? The events always take place on Thursdays from 18:30 to 20:00. Where? At the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Karlstraße 11, 76133 Karlsruhe. To the directions All events are free of charge and registration is not required. … Details

DAAD Prize for Arugna Adhikari

18.09.2023 International students enrich Karlshochschule on both a cultural and academic level. For this reason, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) awards an annual prize for outstanding international students. This year, Arugna Adhikari (International Business) was awarded the prize. Arugna is originally from Nepal and will receive the DAAD Prize … Details

DAAD Prize for Ximena Aberastury Gottschau

15.10.2024 International students enrich Karlshochschule on both a cultural and academic level. For this reason, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) awards an annual prize for outstanding international students. This year, Ximena Aberastury Gottschau (International Relations) was awarded the prize. Ximena is originally from Argentina and receives the DAAD Prize … Details

ENTREHUBS final conference

Social impact & Sustainability in Entrepreneurship Education – match or clash? Date: Thursday, October 24, 2024Location: Karlshochschule International University, Karlstraße 36 – 38, 76133 Karlsruhe Let’s discuss how approaches to sustainability and social justice in entrepreneurial education can ensure innovation in companies. Let’s exchange ideas about cooperation between companies and … Details

Final Conference ENTREHUBS project, 24 October 2024 

Together with the project partners from Cyprus, Turkey and Greece, Karlshochschule International University organized the closing event of the 2-years Erasmus+ project about Entrepreneurship Education. Under the title: “Social impact & Sustainability in Entrepreneurship Education – match or clash?” Karlshochschule invited a diverse mix of stakeholders from Higher Education Institutions, … Details

Final workshop ENTREHUBS project, 19.09.2024

In cooperation with ImpactHub Karlsruhe, Karlshochschule International University organized a final workshop as part of the ENTREHUBS project last Thursday evening. With almost 30 participants from Karlsruhe and the surrounding area, we were able to discuss the project results in depth and, in particular, exchange views on what content entrepreneurship … Details

It’s getting practical at the Karls – our projects have started!

26.03.2024 As in every semester, our students are involved in two types of practical projects: Company projects and community projects. In community projects, students get involved in something that is close to their hearts and through which they make a contribution to civil society. Many projects revolve around sustainability – … Details